So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish

Matthew 18:14


Party Club

Party Clubs are a great way to reach out to the mission field that is right in your neighborhood. Reaching the children of Wake and surrounding counties is another aspect of our ministry. They include Bible verses, Bible lessons, songs and games. Party Clubs can be held as an ongoing monthly outreach or as a special event community outreach.


Host A Party Club

Hold A Party Club to reach out to your local community and help children learn about God. Contact us for more information today!


Kids love parties!

Child Evangelism Fellowship has prepared Party Club teaching kits on a number of themes, from Christmas and Easter to generic topics such as travel or a peanut party. Each kit contains a complete party guide with a full-color visualized Gospel story, suggested games, songs, invitations, etc. Everything you need!

Select from 7 kits with these themes:

• Christmas
• Easter
• Treasure
• Halloween
• Spy
• Valentine's Day
• Watermelon