It is our desire for children and their family to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and be given an opportunity to accept Christ as Savior. God has directed us in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 to work as a team.
To accomplish this goal, your help is needed. We need volunteers for the various capacities listed below.
All Volunteers will need to provide screening information to comply with our child safety requirements in order to volunteer. Click below to Volunteer for this event!!
Prayer Warriors on site or at home who will pray before, during and after the event.
Financial supporters to provide money for: rental of The Jim Graham Building, inflatable rides, snack foods, advertisements, gospel tracts, and miscellaneous expenses. Minimum money needed for the event is
$20,000.00. If you are interested in a sponsorship, please contact Martha Fowler, Spectacular Coordinator, at 919-413-8300 or spectacularnc@gmail.com.
Coordinators to lead, recruit, and encourage people to volunteer from your community group, school, work place, or church.
Counselor teams to counsel children, teens and adults in making decisions for Christ and assist children who have already made a decision for Christ but have questions. All counselors must attend a training session. We will make every effort to hold the training at your home church for your convenience.
Advertisement teams to place flyers in local stores, the community, and other media opportunities.
Transportation teams to assist in transporting team members and children who have been invited.
Set-up team will arrive at the Jim Graham Building on the Friday before the Spectacular at 9:00 am. This team will assist in placing inflatable rides, games, and concessions.
Distribution teams for distributing posters in planned areas and flyers to the community.
Cleaning teams to work during and after this event. All paper and trash must be picked up and disposed of properly.
Greeters and Information Guides will hand out sponsors’ recognition brochure as participants enter the event.
Clean-up team will assist removing inflatable rides, games, concessions, and loading the items onto the appropriate trailer.
Bathroom Monitors/Crowd Control teams will maintain a constant presence in the restroom areas and assist with lines to ensure safety and order.
Security team to provide and ensure safety and order for volunteers and participants. Provide security at the entrance and exit points.
Concessions team will prepare and distribute drinks, popcorn, and snow cones.
Ride attendants to man each inflatable ride while providing safety instructions for each participant. Ride attendants must limit the number of children/teens per ride at a time. Must have 2 adults (over age 18) at each inflatable. Additional volunteers can also be used to man inflatable rides.
Game attendants will give instructions on how to play each game and reset the game for the next player.